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The Art of Work

The Art of Work is a way of approaching work that embodies a system of principles drawn from a number of disciplines, synthesised together into a shared framework.
This framework forms the underlying foundation of the Inspired Lives approach to facilitation, coaching and mentoring.
The core principles are:
As practitioners of the Art of Work:

1. We work with people, not for them.
2. We define our work based on who we are, not the other way around.
3. We make proactive commitments and contribute freely - not motivated by obligation, guilt, or fear.
4. We aim t
o contribute and create, rather than just consume
5. We recognise life is a collaborative team sport
6. We step up to face the universe - owning our mistakes as well as our glorious successes
7. We never, under any circumstances, take ourselves too seriously along the way.

The Art of Work is the art of knowing who we are, acting without fear and learning to create through our work - applying our unique identities and talents in a way that alters the atmosphere and environment around us.
This has been the path of all great endeavours through human history. It's about learning to own, and express, our identity - and supporting others to do the same.
When we bring the best of ourselves to our relationships, our friends and family, our hobbies and communities, and our work, everyone benefits. 
It's a way of being that reconnects us with our life as an epic story, recapturing living as an adventure of mythic proportions.
The art of work leads to more creative, more productive, more inspired lives.
It positions ourselves to make a truly positive mark on the world around us, and inspires others to do the same.

Learn to make your mark where you live, work, and play. Let us know how it goes - we looking forward to celebrating your success and perhaps being part of the journey with you. Let's see where it leads...

Image of a bending road.